viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2016


The coffee marker is a container that allows to prepare and sereve coffee (hot drink), is obtained by making an infusion of the fruits and seeds of the coffee, its method of preparation has evolved over time with increasingly  sophisticated machines for its preparation, without however, the physical principle does not change and consists of the solubility of caffeeine (C8H10N4O2) in water, a coffee maker is based on the effect of temperature on the solubility of coffee in water.

Types of coffee maker:

1.Italian coffee maker

The italian coffee maker or moka coffee, also populary  know as greca or  macchinetta ( in Spanish " maquinita " ) is an espresso coffee maker that brews coffee by means of steam 





2.Drip coffe maker 

A drip of filter coffee maker can be defined as an electricity-operated hou sehold appliance consisting of a water tank which is heated and passed though the ground coffee which  is deposited on a paper or aluminum mesh filter or steel to produce coffee.






3.Coffee maker plunger

Is a simple device to make coffee or tea and usually providies stronger coffee than other coffee makers



 4.Express coffee maker

In express coffee makers the advantage is that we can use the ground coffee blend exactly as we want, which means the customization options are greater. The more purists of coffee tend to prefer espresso coffee makers for this reason






5.Capsule coffee maker

Are much easier to handle, possibly also faster in operation, but in return for that your drinks are limited to the exclusive capsules of the brand that you choose. If you do not like the taste of you coffee makerś capsules, you will not have many alternatives.






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